
We came from all over…Puerto Rico and Portugal, Brooklyn and the Bronx, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Kentucky along with locals who repped for Wisconsin…we all came together to celebrate the marriage of Robert and Eleanor.

Robert and Eleanor, both retired with adult children and grandchildren, met online. As time passed they fell in love…and when Robert put an engagement ring on it, Eleanor started sending out her “save the date” notices.

Game on!

There is nothing on earth that Eleanor loves more than a good project or planning a special event. When she retired, she started renovations on her home in the Bronx, sold it, moved to an apartment in Wisconsin, searched for and bought a new house all the while planning a wedding for her daughter which included a bridal shower in Wisconsin and the Bronx. There is no one in my family that enjoys planning an event as much as my sister.

Everybody was speculating about how fab her own wedding would be and she did not disappoint. Let me share some highlights: Continue reading


Family and close friends already know that although I  talk so much I can make your ears bleed, sometime I can’t think of a single thing to say.  Scratch that…I can think of many things to say… always, but sometime, I cannot make my thoughts come out right…spoken or written. It’s very frustrating.

Once in a while I come across someone who articulates my thoughts so clearly that they earn a spot on my “Wish I had Say That” list.

After spending several days plotting on how I could  run up on Don Lemon and smack the taste out of his  mouth,  Jay Smooth, an underground hip hop DJ showed up and saved me from a possible beatdown and certain arrest.  Click on the video and hear what he has to say.

Hump Day AND Hope Day


Yesterday I woke up very early and as I laid there, I realized it was Wednesday and I started to imagine how my former co-workers would be greeting each other: “Happy Hump Day”. Then I watched  a news clip (click on the link below) that made me think about what hump day means. Happy Hump Day usually means “I hate this job….but Wednesday is halfway through the week which means it’s close to Friday (and payday) and I won’t have to come back here for two days.” We use it as a buffer that will help us rethink slapping the taste out of our supervisors’ mouth (we’ve all had those moments)…a bridge that will carry us to the weekend with our paychecks still intact. And make no mistake, anything that gets us to the end of the week is a good thing but I say we add something else to that whole mindset….I say we add hope to our hump… I hope the hard work I put in so far this week is being noticed. I hope my actions this week, take me to where I want to be next week.

I hope.

Those of you who know me are probably muttering under your breath right now…she’s retired… its so easy for her to wax poetic about getting through a work week. True. But after seeing this news clip I realized just how much hope trumps hump for everybody. With hope firmly tucked in our mindsets, we have a much better chance of getting through all the weeks of our lives in ways that please us and those around us.

Hope is what I saw in this clip; I hope you see it too.